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Seth (Television Series)

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So, I wrote a script for a zombie series that I wanted to do and so many people were interested in it that I now am producing it! If I had to sum it up, I would say that it's as if The Walking Dead and Dragonball Z had a lovechild.

It's that amazing.

I took the idea of being a zombie from a viral/evolutionary standpoint. What if becoming a zombie was the next level of evolution? The virus doesn't kill everyone, but those that it kills it turns. And people who turn are immune to disease and only hunger for human DNA for the virus to replicate and, eventually, mutate to its next form. That in turn mutates the human to their next form and thus creates a new kind of zombie. A little faster, stronger, more capable. It gets to the point where they are able to reason and have super intelligence, becoming a new race that feels as if they have a claim on the world better than the humans who tried to destroy it.

Either way, I will have a Teaser up soon and will try to start the production process of this film by the middle of the fall. Also, there will be a graphic novel made of it, so I'll be sure to keep the link posted. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions I would love to hear them. Thank you! = Tres, writer of Seth.

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